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tv   [untitled]    November 27, 2012 9:00am-9:30am EST

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after years of a certain palestinians could only find out what killed their leader yasser arafat's his grave has been so scientists can dig through the news about whether it was poisoned. clashes in cairo as thousands go into the streets for protests against president morsi abused sweeping powers saying he and his muslim brotherhood stole the revolution. another default of her to the e.u. shelled out more bailout cash for greece more payouts in exchange for day she's a star.
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you're watching r t live from moscow kitchen have you with us international teams of medics are hoping to dispel the controversy surrounding the death of iconic palestinian leader yasser arafat's eight years ago his body was exhumed so they could take tissue samples for the investigation into allegations that arafat's may have been poisoned his remains have now been reburying in ramallah arches middle east correspondent policia has more. chouse day the body of the former palestinian leader yasser arafat was removed from it's more than where it's been for the better part of eight years since he died back in two thousand and four and since that time be question has never been on said to him exactly what exactly killed. most of the stimulus money that israel was behind his killing although israel has repeatedly and consistently denied this at the time of his day if there was radioactive material that was found on his clothing what we witnessing now is an investigation
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that is seeing a team of international investigators take samples of these tissues they will be in any case occasionally various countries around the world will be told that it will take several months for them hopefully once and it will be an answer to the question as to what exactly killed the former palestinian leader when we talk about the death of yasser arafat is a lot of behind the scenes political maneuvering and repeatedly experts and critics and media analysts have pointed out that the old dizzier network has been at the forefront of investigating what killed yasser arafat in fact they have spearheaded this whole investigation back in july they released a documentary that was entitled what killed our fight now of course al jazeera is backed by qatar and qatar has made no bones of the fact that it's disparate to see some kind of changes within the p.a. qatar would like to see the palestinian president mahmoud abbas pushed away from power and for more radical elements to come to power not only in gaza but also in
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the west bank and most notably here we're talking about hamas this would hope we could tarries meet their goals particularly in syria where for quite some time they have been pushing for regime change which was also witnessed a growing together in terms of relationship between the qatar and who must let me just remind you that two hundred and fifty million dollars were recently pledged by qatar to hamas to help palestinians in the gaza strip rebuild their homes and the infrastructure off to the operation. coslet now what we also know is that israel stands to lose from all of this of course israel has been alarmed by the close close relationship between harassed as well as saudi arabia qatar and mohamed morsi very very coming closer together and expressing more vocal anti israel sentiment so there's a lot happening behind the scenes we're not just talking about the extermination of yasser arafat's body but we're talking about a much longer deeper ramifications. the current palestinian leadership submitted
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a draft resolution to the u.n. general assembly in order to receive nonmember observer status and that's a bit is approved palestinians have more the chance of bringing israel to justice police journalist james called it. if they are successful in this bid then they will actually be able to bring the israeli government before the international criminal court to answer that for charges of war crimes etc and it is conceivable at least that they would be able to bring a case if it was proven that arafat was killed by israeli agents that they would be able to bring a case before the international criminal court on that ground if they do manage to get this this nonmember status upgrade but but again that's a that's a political long shot in a number of regards and whether or not the international criminal court would even be interested in hearing about the case is another matter entirely the vast majority of palestinians have always assumed that israel assassinated arafat if this goes on to confirm that it kind of throws in the face of the palestinians their helplessness in a situation like this and this was underscored actually just earlier this month
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when israel came out and for the first time military censors allowed information about the killing of five co-founder not just to yasser arafat but also khaleel with dear was a co-founder of fatah he was assassinated by israel in one nine hundred eighty eight and for twenty five years basically there's been the secrecy over the killing and finally just that earlier this month israel has cleared that and the actual interviews with the commandos who killed carried out that assassination have been published. police have clashed with n.t. muslim brotherhood protesters in cairo ahead of a massive opposition rally nationwide actions planned to post president mohamed morsi his latest to be seen as a blatant holograph the president made himself an islamist dominated the house of parliament immune to any kind of oversight pleading for the courts he claims the measures will be things into the new constitution is drawn up which is expected
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within two months most his opponents say they will stay in the streets until he reverses the new law journalist belge is watching the situation in the egyptian capital. apart from saying that he isn't a fact in which to show authority which is very hard to prove as he has actually reined in the power of history and promising that he will use his newfound power as a negative way moves he hasn't actually i'm offered anything to the opposition forces in terms of reassuring them that he is not acting in the way of a dictator and as you can probably see behind me to see hundreds of people on here oh opposition forces that who refused to leave the square and show he backs down in this contentious document we're going to see. several thousand people in the streets everything for a million man march against this declaration we've seen them protests across the country and actually with the deck certain protesters including a member of the mizzen brotherhood is seeing clashes between pro and anti muslim brotherhood supporters in various different governorates and of course we've seen
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them of people within the journalist's indicates to wanted to call for a strike against it in addition fridge to sherry who did as you call a partial strike so really we're still seeing massive dissent across the country with no sign of this abating. egyptian activists are calling mohamed morsi a new dictator saying he has seized more paula the elsa to hosni mubarak ever had geopolitical analyser draitser believes the current unrest shows revolution has changed little. if anything it would simply be a continuation of the original revolution of the revolution if we're going to call it that we did not succeed in the sense that it was able to oust mubarak but it did not actually scenes power instead it created a power vacuum and one that was filled by the political machine of the muslim brotherhood the muslim brotherhood though they were able to win the elections last year they don't actually have as broad based of
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a support as they would like to pretend there are many elements within egypt or very much dissatisfied with the muslim brotherhood who would like to see changes within the political structure of the country this has to do both internally with the political situation but also with the diplomatic and the geo political situation when the people of egypt realize that they've been swindled into five billion dollar strings attached loans from the i.m.f. and this is under the auspices of the muslim brotherhood well the muslim brotherhood will need some political control to be able to maintain that control with these sweeping powers mossies decision to assume near absolute policy came just saw as awful he helped broker a cease fire between israel and hamas in gaza online right now we've got more on how his crucial role in the jews gave them a green light for the jessica action at home. france has become one of the main sponsors of the syrian revolution giving more than one and a half million dollars to the newly formed opposition coalition the donation is
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being criticised and concerns the body does not have enough authority even among the country's population and professor paul seldom food things money will prompt only while fighting in syria. finance major interest would be to continue with sorenson your robots throughout the world that industry but it i don't think you really cared sir just as they didn't care in the case of libya at all they were close to her house got off and they didn't really care who took over afterwards they probably more thing the so-called syrian opposition is that they are not united the only think united symbol is that they were going to remove the current government they come from a very wide range of other. religious viewpoints. viewpoint and they have a stake origins. never going to succeed in syria they were not be able to come together and they would be in no round of fighting to determine who
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will dominate all the other groups. russia has condemned what it calls france is a legal decision to allocate money to the syrian national council saying it shouldn't have been able violent regime change we've got all the details as well as moscow's view on the crisis she did resolved. and other arab spring country in libya is also welcoming aid from the west washington is helping the country improve its ministry the revolution torn countries reportedly hosting hundreds of u.s. soldiers who are trying the new libyan army artie's ghana chicha can report on why america is so happy to help. the pentagon's new outlook forget about full scale invasion is and large footprint occupation instead think of special ops and proxy armies next destination libya the obama administration has received congressional
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approval to allocate money for a special unit reportedly made up of some five hundred people who will train the country's forces according to one b.b. and militia commander a team of americans is already in the country looking for recruits a major obstacle in their wary a vastly divided society there isn't an army and maybe a now and the army is not going to be because whenever you try and get militias which have a legion says to a variety of rays of things that the national interest so they have allegiance to a drive or to a sect or to a religion rather than having allegiance to the nation or to the country you cannot build an army but with training and aid fully via the u.s. we have more pragmatic goals then uniting the army you were just teaching them the best way to fight this war training eventually because it's really about not so much about you know teaching people how to use rifles and how to use new equipment
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all about really more about indoctrination make any aid each one of the children u.s. uses and as you know very successfully. to ensure that the elites in the countries concerned stay loyal to the us. a lot in terms of foreign policy the state law to them in terms of opening our economies our economy and to u.s. multinationals will be a movie very important. and for the united states and yes it will start buying american arms and substantial qualities libya's lots and lots of money to spend according to the state department this year along the u.s. spent six point three billion dollars financing foreign armies it argues investing in foreign militaries helps build. better alliances and further american interests abroad from the point of view of the u.s. government of course it's very useful to have other countries militaries integrated into the us they get the training then they get the equipment they get the arms
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it's the full package the idea of proxy armies is not new but america's track record of training foreign armies has hardly been flawless you have the school of americas for instance which is trained all the the armies that became the torturers of latin america that started after world war two i would say the training troops is especially in the middle east in the case of iraq or in afghanistan something of a catastrophe it's premised on a fantasy that if the u.s. buys the uniforms gives them the guns provides in the training that somehow these will be reliable forces you can see in the case of afghanistan the governments are united the governments are partners but the afghan troops don't consider the americans to be their friends in fact they consider them to be cultural aliens who are occupying their country more than fifty coalition troops were killed this year alone by members of the afghan security forces or it is out that the obama administration wants to leave around ten thousand troops in afghanistan to continue to train afghan forces and carry out special operations after twenty four teeth
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when according to the obama administration american forces are supposed to have completely left the country the afghan government has less than two years to agree or reject the idea the u.s. government may be looking at training armies abroad as a smart investment sort of like outsourcing makes sense in business it's cheaper than having u.s. troops on the ground no need to explain dead troops coming home makes sense from a lot of perspectives but that strategy has backfired more than once in the past eliminating populations that didn't want to see their military become a student of washington's wars in washington i'm gonna check out. the u.s. military is following its own rules including flying on bags in a cramped up role of rubber band working on a room. well patrolled will fail to justify the attacks and it's kill hundreds of civilians that's coming up shortly. plus a few things queen prices like supermarkets locking up even basic food clean athletes have said that it's on the losing side southie eight altered states and
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all that is and much maligned up for you to the free. waves of corruption are rocking russia hundreds of millions of dollars vanished from apec building projects and russia's got a nice satellite project a real estate scandal has also led to the defense minister being fired note i said fire in russia we hear a lot about corruption scandals and the reaction is usually a firing or a forced resignation and maybe that would be ok another country but russia has big dreams in a big country that is big corruption spoiling all of those dreams a country can't survive with every infrastructural or scientific project is sucked dry from within whether the government is unwilling or unable to sternly punish
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these offenders is a huge topic by could tell you that if there's no real fear of punishment this will just keep going on for ever perhaps it's time to put a big asterisk for high level corruption next to the moratorium on the death penalty but that's just my opinion. much brighter. moon song from feinstein. t.v. dot com. you're
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watching our t.v. live from moscow after three years of trial and error the euro zone's finance ministers say they've now found the key to saving greece aside from a green to hand over more bailout cash the e.u. also vowed to ease up on loan conditions that is so long as athens keeps pushing mall sterrett well a little be enough to pull greece out of trouble is something we can discuss now with the economy is not is
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a big yacht as most of us if you know your prime minister hailed it as new deal declaring it it was a new day for greece is that so would you say. just the same government to be doing. it when they want to do so they're pretty evil that actually. did this it was a very nice sydney's easy one off your little group but you said of the now it was very proud of these easy on for a gig back spain is back spain have said here for the bleak it is hardly economy i have to say about three years before when there was beginning. to offer good economy they get it but they had one academy had to do in the nine. or the g.d.p. now if you look groups of disease you don't think that in two thousand and sixteen is a good public day it would be one had been saving five percent or more that you
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could keep everyone who can stand the virus the back of this disease you one day and it was not good it was easy on. a taxpayer i believe that. the walsh. was a transition and now here is issue one on the e.u. concessions to greece i mean their low interest rates on bailouts and a decade long series on paying them that should help to ease the hardship shouldn't it. official for lou we do want to know all. all of these issues you want about. about who they're about to offer you look what appears to be no. first before look we've gotten all the fear in the program offered by birchell for being born. in their. banks
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there is a very big advantage or there is a three for one is more you notice it to bury it for the least bit as you're going to get is that we should lose you on that. very negatively for a greek get people just for abuse it is really no one that we since you are off government to washington for to be sleazier of you will do this agreement deals a lot of leverage to i guess greece's creditors with some even calling it some kind of a leash how's that going down with. concerned greeks all you know or do they care what they reaction to this and i don't hear you very well what is the reaction of the greek people right now since that this new bailout has been given to the greek people. only ph or opposition or many here are not accepted.
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they offer you a little bit it only we believe that the big papi data in needs a very big character by their money all of those we know it is easy only i can research deals don't get off with pals and fifteen when doing greenfield he likes you want to shift it for us just for the reason america is he didn't want to go but a mentor he didn't want a disease your own leg to be sick for the next three years we know all that in a few here in a few months after we begin to discuss your own shop here to offer the greek public a bit economist. thank you very much for your thoughts on this going to work. now with all certainty and dwindling fortunes now are part of life across the e.u. desperate measures are called for in britain for example even basic foods are being put under lock and key with one supermarket forced to crack down on
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a shoplifting epidemic r.t. separate reports. supermarket ads like the shea casing that cut price deals always popular but in the midst of a recession much in the pennies is proving more important than ever that's why moms . it is not only moms that go to iceland but also apparently so uplifting as to is that the supermarket chains been so blighted by things they've been forced to step up their security measures traditionally it is good such as c.d.'s and alcohol that a shoplifted and say carry the extra security but now it seems food products all all say being targeted in iceland and perhaps somewhat bizarrely it's their land it's attracting thieves there are things extra hefty security casing. finest.
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there we go we've got the kids and my lands being freed from the security box now fourteen pounds or seven pounds a kilo there's actually pretty good value for the me because one of iceland's most stolen items so it's a sign of tough times that people are struggling to afford even the basics or is this just stealing plain and simple prices of food is going up so you can grow people. you know people do it because obviously they know. they need the food. but i think it's a good idea is good for iceland to do that they need to take care of their profits really having to steal food. from not just shows isn't it you people are struggling . some people have claimed fees a targeting the choice of cuts of meat and selling it on to pubs and restaurants for profit and in iceland the land has been the only products
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a far to receive the extra security blast that might be one explanation is saying no. i doubt the poverty in the u.k. is a growing problem if feed inflation in the u.k. was one of the highest in the e.u. and as the costs continue to skyrocket it seems that many people. really do you call it desperate measures. and. several human rights groups have condemned the drone to off a rule book or to be produced by barack obama it will outline policies to justify the use of unmanned aircraft talking to drone attacks tactic widely used under the current us leader despite killing mostly civilians and retired colonel morris davis told r.t. jones come put an end to terror don't have just a drone program we have drone programs and we have a military program is governed by the law of war and international law and then we have this other program governed run by the cia which is
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a civilian agency that i'm not aware of any internationally recognized legal authority for a civilian agency to go overseas and kill you know war on terror is a war without end because usually a war on a tactic not on a group of people so you know terror can surrender so will be fighting this war for you no longer has been the argument you know since nine eleven that the president is the commander in chief has unilateral authority to do anything necessary to keep the country safe john mccain and others here are saying that the administration needs to stand up to morsi because he can't put himself above the rule of law. if you compare his powers to the powers that our president has taken over the past decades so you know compared to the powers that morsi has taken in our president has done a lot more. now some other headlines from around the world a former u.k. defense minister has come up with a way of curbing violence in the in pakistan dropping
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a neutron bomb dropped on the country's border gillberg believes that that would create a chord in the senate tab in the troubled area and be a blow to terrorists he suggested the move during a parliamentary debate on the use of nuclear weapons the government dismissed his views as. the man alledged to have given secret u.s. government documents to me to lead says he was punished while in confinement waiting for a trial reading that even due in court to give testimony later tuesday says subjected to often brutal mistreatment which concurs over the findings of one view when repertoire on torture up his supporters have planned mess of rallies for his appearance before my delegates officer is facing a number of charges including aiding the enemy. there is outrage among hungary's jewish community after bolide politician proposed creating lists of jews who pose a danger to national security and as well as party leader was bombarded with
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accusations or being a fascist and condemned by the government the same m.p. is also known for his harsh rhetoric against the minority living in hungary and backing the uniformed vigilantes. our special report illegal of duction is coming up after the spring. download. application so. stream quality and enjoy your favorite. t.v. is not required to watch our team all you need is your mobile device to watch out. see any time.
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very. core a child to be taken for something really serious an extraordinary month's top. social services here or a new way course when the finnish system has decided something there is nothing that can be done it's not a mistake of them it's just how they want. to take away a child without reason a child does not belong to his parents but to the states there.


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